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American Bench - Judges of the Nation, Third Edition

NCJ Number
S Livermore, D M DeTuro, N L Barnes
Date Published
2791 pages
This 1985/86 edition is a comprehensive biographical reference guide to the American judiciary. It includes, for the first time, the Bills and Declarations of Rights Digest, which permits comparison of the States' constitutional provisions concerning individual rights.
The book is divided into 52 sections, one section for the Federal courts and one for each of the 50 States and the District of Columbia. Each section is subdivided into two parts. The first part describes each court in the State, including court location, jurisdiction, and method of judge selection. Judges are listed with the courts they serve. The second part presents judges' biographies arranged alphabetically. Each biography contains title, court level, and office address. The majority of the judges have full biographies, which cover personal, educational, and legal backgrounds; current and previous judgeships; important decisions; authorships; posts of honor; awards; civic organizations; military service; personal interests; and other pertinent facts. Approximately 18,000 judges are listed. Glossary and index.

Sale Source
Reginald Bishop Forster and Associates, Inc

3280 Ramos Circle, Sacramento, CA 95827, United States

Publication Type
Reference Material
United States of America