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Probation and Parole - United States and Canada Directory

NCJ Number
Date Published
507 pages
This directory provides information on Federal, State, and county adult and juvenile probation, parole, and aftercare systems in the United States and Canada.
Data is based on 1985 mail and telephone surveys of 1,875 departments representing 5,280 personnel. The directory provides an overview of how services are provided; the operation of parole, pardon, or release boards; and State and county administration of field services. State-by-State listings provide information on chief administrators, interstate compact contracts, counties served, programs and services, departmental budgets, beginning salaries, personnel, and client caseloads. Additional information covers probation and parole fees, officer educational and training requirements, and legal status of officers. Appendixes contain additional articles, a statistical summary of services, and information on the American Correctional Association and its publications and activities. Glossary and 145-item bibliography.

Corporate Author
American Correctional Association

206 N. Washington St., Suite 200, Alexandria, VA 22314, United States

Sale Source
American Correctional Association

206 N. Washington St., Suite 200, Alexandria, VA 22314, United States

Publication Type
United States of America