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Emerging Trends in Financing, Construction and Ownership of Corrections Facilities - Summary of the October 9-11, 1985, Conference Held in Los Angeles by the AIA Committee on Architecture for Justice

NCJ Number
Date Published
109 pages
This summary of the 1985 conference of the American Institute of Architects addresses construction, new prison construction/delivery technologies, corrections privatization, and court facilities design.
The alternative financing methods discussed are lease revenue bonding, the pooling of municipalities' finances to build regional facilities, and privatization. The case studies of construction/delivery technologies focus first on housing and then on total facilities. The technologies described include concrete housing modules and premanufactured double-tiered cells. The total facilities technologies outlined are those used in Virginia, Illinois, and New Jersey. The privatization case studies refer to halfway houses and the management of jails and prisons. The court-design case studies are of the Rancho Cucamonga Justice Center and the Los Angeles County Municipal Court. The Rancho Cucamonga Justice Center features the jail in close proximity to the courts to facilitate security and prisoner transportation. The Los Angeles County Municipal Court has pedestrian walkways between the court and city government buildings. Appendixes contain documents on prison financing, prefabricated correctional facility components, and the prospectus of a private corrections management firm.

Corporate Author
American Institute of Architects

1735 New York Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20006, United States

Publication Format
Publication Type
Conference Material
United States of America