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Safe and Sane - The Sensible Way to Protect Yourself, Your Loved Ones, Your Property and Possessions

NCJ Number
J D McNamara
Date Published
161 pages
This text discusses ways to prevent violence and burglaries as well as cope with social fears.
The 10 most common deceptions of the rapist are addressed, including the 'good samaritan' approach, the 'dance floor' rapist, and the 'road' rapist; ways to deal with each of the ploys are suggested. Possible problems from owning a gun are considered, including getting shot with your own gun, being arrested for using your gun, and having an accident with your gun. Recommendations on self-defense are presented, with the most important defense mechanism -- escape -- emphasized. Ways that lifestyle may increase the risk of victimization are examined; staying out of dangerous areas is encouraged. The most common crimes against senior citizens are enumerated, with confidence games heading the list, followed by purse snatching and pickpocketing, burglary, vandalism, theft of checks, robbery, and telephone harassment. Six tips for older persons are provided: Look alert, do not carry large sums of money, and cooperate with the police. Advice for parents concerned about school violence is presented, and the importance of talking openly with one's children, checking out babysitters and daycare centers, and being aware of exhibitionists who select child victims is noted. Advice on how to counter the techniques of burglars and con artists is included. Appendixes compare crime and police forces in major U.S. cities.

Sale Source
G P Putnam's Sons

200 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016, United States

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