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Proceedings of the Subcommittee on Childhood Experiences as Causes of Criminal Behaviour, Senate of Canada, 30th Parliament 1977, 3rd Session, December 6, 1977, Issue Number 2

NCJ Number
Date Published
38 pages
The relationship between mental illness and criminal behavior is examined in these proceedings of a Canadian parliamentary subcommittee which held hearings in 1977 and 1978 to consider the prenatal and early childhood experiences that may cause personality disorders or criminal behavior in later life.
Dr. E. T. Barker of the Mental Health Center, Ontario Ministry of Health, presented the thesis that certain genetic, biological, and environmental influences are related to psychiatric illness associated with criminal behavior. The causal strength of each influence is under debate. Committee members's questions focused on related issues, including the allocation of treatment resources, preventive interventions, current social conditions and attitudes, the effects of television, the relationship between poverty and violence, critical periods in infant developments, child abuse, school experience, and emotional experiences in the preschool years. (Resources in Education (ERIC) abstract modified)

Corporate Author
Canada Standing Senate Cmtte on Health, Welfare and Sciences

Canada, Canada

Sale Source
Eric Document Reproduction Service

P. O. Box 190, Arlington, VA 22210, United States
