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Statement of Alfred S Regnery, Administrator, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Before the House Subcommittee on Education and Labor Concerning the Proposed Juvenile Justice, Runaway Youth, and Missing Children's Act Amendments of 1984, HR 4971, April 11, 1984

NCJ Number
A S Regnery
Date Published
8 pages
This statement reviews the work of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention in addressing child sexual abuse and exploitation as a factor in juvenile delinquency and in establishing a National School Safety Center to assist in promoting school safety.
In its effort to deal with child sexual abuse and exploitation, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) has awarded funds for the establishment of a National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. The Center, which will be located in Washington, D.C., will assist parents, citizen action groups, law enforcement agencies, and State and local governments in dealing with the problem of exploited and missing children. It will coordinate the local resources available to assist parents searching for missing children. It will also collect information on education and prevention methods that parents can use to prevent abduction of their children and will collect and correlate effective searching techniques once a child is missing. OJJDP is also sponsoring a research project that will examine the role of pornography in the abuse of children. The research will aim at determining what effects pornography might have in producing violent, antisocial behavior by and against children and adults. OJJDP is also supporting a major study of the possible connection between sexual abuse and exploitation of children and their subsequent juvenile delinquency and criminal violence. In another area, OJJDP has assumed another initiative designed to assist in improving the American education system. This involves the establishment of a National School Safety Center. The Center will collect information on effective strategies for promoting school safety and crime prevention and disseminate these resources through a variety of training and technical assistance activities at the national and local levels.

Corporate Author
US Dept of Justice

810 Seventh Street, NW, Washington, DC 20531, United States

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