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Statement of Judith Resnik (From Female Offender, 1979-80, P 135-156, 1981 - See NCJ-90999)

NCJ Number
J Resnik
Date Published
53 pages
Internal grievance procedures and accreditation through professional organizations cannot substantially ameliorate prison conditions, but help can be provided through the courts, providing inmates, particularly women, are provided with legal aid; further, there is a need for an independent Federal agency to monitor the implementation of court decisions.
Neither internal grievance procedures nor accreditation systems have been responsive to the needs of female inmates in the past, and there is little basis for optimism in the future. The judiciary is an important source of assistance for improving conditions for female inmates, but attorneys must be provided for inmates. The legal assistance programs currently available to inmates, especially women inmates, are meager and inadequate to the task; additional funding and expanded services are needed. Finally, some agency within the Government, but independent of the Bureau of Prisons and the Parole Commission, is needed to monitor the decisions of these agencies and to provide an impetus for improvement in the conditions for female inmates.

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