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Guidelines for the Development of Policies and Procedures - Adult Correctional Institutions

NCJ Number
Date Published
522 pages
The text presents sample correctional policies and procedures adaptable to conditions in various institutions as a supplement to the 'Standards for Adult Correctional Institutions' manual.
It includes a guide for staff charged with developing a comprehensive policies and procedures manual and a user's key, which explains the format and defines categories in which sample documents are presented. Sample documents were assembled from throughout the United States and Canada; each document is cross-referenced to the 'Standards for Adult Correctional Institutions.' For each standard, information is included on its authority, purpose, applicability, definitions, policy, and procedures. The documents pertain to corrections administration, organization, and management, fiscal management, staff training and development, management information research, records management, the physical plant, safety and emergency procedures, security and control, management of special inmates, food services, and sanitation and hygiene. Other standards cover medical and health care services, inmate rights, rules and discipline, communication and visiting procedures, reception and orientation, classification, inmate work programs, academic and vocational education, library services, recreation, social and religious services, release preparation, and volunteers. A guide to the development of the policy and procedures manual, cross-references to adult correctional institutions standards, and a response form are appended.

Grant Number(s)
79-ED-AX-0007 S1
Sponsoring Agency
US Dept of Justice

United States

Corporate Author
American Correctional Association

206 N. Washington St., Suite 200, Alexandria, VA 22314, United States

Sale Source
American Correctional Association

206 N. Washington St., Suite 200, Alexandria, VA 22314, United States

United States of America