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Illinois Experience With Regional Corrections - Juvenile 1970-1980

NCJ Number
Date Published
16 pages
Illinois' unsuccessful regionalization of its juvenile corrections system is described and reasons are given for the current reorganization into statewide institutions and parole services based on geography and population distribution.
The Counseling Continuum Project was a movement toward regionalization, localizing the institutional counseling function by integrating it with community work of the parole counselor. The institutional-based counseling continuum, a variation of regionalization, combined institutional and community supervision under the same administration and utilized community resources for juveniles to reduce the number of days in institutional residency. The regional field model consolidated parole and delinquency prevention workers under one administration. The East St. Louis Project was the pilot effort and became the model for the regionalization of the State's remaining three correctional regions. The pilot plan called for correctional parole services, community prevention and diversionary services, and the institutional services of a forestry camp to be integrated into one administrative system. Intensive counseling, alternative placements in group and foster homes, and educational and vocational community placements were to advance diversion from the institution. Regionalization produced cost increases because of services duplication and specialization. The East St. Louis Model proved inappropriate for the remainder of the State.

Corporate Author
Illinois Dept of Corrections

4500 South Sixth Street, Springfield, IL 62703, United States

Sale Source
National Institute of Justice/

Box 6000, Dept F, Rockville, MD 20849, United States

Publication Type
Historical Overview
United States of America