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Wisconsin - Division of Corrections - Offenders Admitted to the Mutual Agreement Program - Calendar Year 1977

NCJ Number
Date Published
38 pages
This report describes Wisconsin's adult offenders who negotiated agreements through the Mutual Agreement Program (MAP) during calendar year 1977.
Under MAP, inmates negotiate with the institution representative and parole board for a definite release date in exchange for agreeing to specific, individualized objectives relating to work assignments, education, treatment, transfers, and behavior. Over 70 percent of the year's 953 contracts contained elements of school, treatment, or transfer considerations; and over half of all contracts contained both education and treatment. Over 40 percent of the participants had sentences within the ranges of 4 years, less than 5; and 8 years, less than 9. About 94 percent of the participants were new admissions. The largest offense categories for those receiving contracts were burglary (29 percent), robbery (24 percent), and theft (10 percent). The mean age of participants was 24 years; white males received 51.6 percent of the contracts, and black males, 38 percent. Nearly 54 percent of the contracted inmates had no previous felony convictions, while 30 percent had 1 reported prior conviction. Among juveniles, 75 percent had no prior juvenile institutional experience. In addition, 76 percent of the participants had completed 10 or more years of education. Data tables and an explanation of MAP processes are included.

Corporate Author
Wisconsin Dept of Health and Social Services

1 West Wilson Street, Madison, WI 53702, United States

Sale Source
National Institute of Justice/

Box 6000, Dept F, Rockville, MD 20849, United States

Publication Type
Report (Annual/Periodic)
United States of America