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Prison Statistics - England and Wales, 1978

NCJ Number
Date Published
119 pages
Narrative reports and tables provide data on prison statistics for England and Wales in 1978, including data on receptions into custody and the population in custody.
Comparisons are made with earlier years and information is given about the reconviction of people released from custody. The average daily population of prison department establishments was 41,796 in 1978; this was marginally higher than in 1977 and was the highest average figure recorded this century. The average female population in prison in 1978 was 1,387, which was 29 higher than in 1977; the male population was 197 higher at 40,409. Tables and figures present data on the prison population in 1978, including the average daily population and accommodation available, average population in custody by type of prisoner and type of institution, and average daily population in custody by type of custody. Data on remand prisoners covers facts such as the change in the number of persons received into prison between 1975 and 1978, grouped by age, sex, and type of remand; receptions of untried and convicted unsentenced prisoners, by age, 1968-78; and reception of untried and convicted unsentenced prisoners, showing disposal, 1968-78. Other tables and figures give data on adult male prisoners under sentence, adult female prisoners under sentence, noncriminal prisoners, fine defaulters, and reconvictions. In addition, data are presented on offenses and punishments by various categories. Miscellaneous tables complete the report.

Corporate Author
Great Britain Home Office

50 Queen Anne's Gate, London, SW1H 9AT England, United Kingdom

Sale Source
Pendragon House

185 Willow Street, P.O. Box 424, Mystic, CT 06355, United States

Publication Type
United Kingdom