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Crime in Montana 2011-2012

NCJ Number
Tyson McLean; Kathy Ruppert
Date Published
June 2013
109 pages
This report on crime in Montana for 2011 - 2012 is based on a State-specific version of the National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS), called the Montana Incident-Based Reporting System (MTIBRS), which, like the NIBRS, provides more detailed and useful crime data than that of the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) summary method.
The MTIBRS collects data on 61 data elements. Data values describe the characteristics of an incident. In 2012, both index violent crime and property crime increased in Montana. Twenty homicides were reported by Montana's non-Tribal local law enforcement agencies, an increase from the 19 homicides reported in 2011. Data are provided on location, weapon type, victim and arrestee characteristics, and victim-arrestee relationship. The number of rape offenses in 2012 is relatively unchanged compared to 2011. The mean number of rapes since 1978 is 237. Since 1978, the rape rate has tended to trend upward. Data are provided on rape location, victim and arrestee characteristics, and victim-arrestee relationship. There were 213 robberies in 2012, up from 170 in 2011. Data are provided on victim and arrestee characteristics and weapon used. Data are also provided on aggravated assault. Property crime data address burglary, larceny/theft, and motor vehicle theft. Data on selected non- index offenses include simple assault, domestic assault, drug offenses, and fraud. Data also cover the Group A and Group B offenses of the NIBRS. Extensive tables and figures

Corporate Author
Montana Board of Crime Control

PO Box 201408, 3075 North Montana Street, Helena, MT 59620-1408, United States

Sale Source
Montana Board of Crime Control

PO Box 201408, 3075 North Montana Street, Helena, MT 59620-1408, United States

Publication Format
Document (Online)
Publication Type
Report (Annual/Periodic)
United States of America