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Effect of Retributive and Restorative Sentencing on Psychological Effects of Criminal Proceedings

NCJ Number
Journal of Interpersonal Violence Volume: 28 Issue: 5 Dated: March 2013 Pages: 938-955
Malini Laxminarayan
Date Published
March 2013
18 pages
Retribution and restoration have been cited as two goals of sentencing for victims.
Retribution and restoration have been cited as two goals of sentencing for victims. Furthermore, there is a perspective that acknowledges the overlap of these two aims, seeking to obtain restoration through retribution. Achieving these goals may have implications for the victim's psychological well-being. The current study examines 101 victims of serious crime and how different outcomes may impact their perceptions of psychological well-being. Incarceration, community service, compensation from the offender, and compensation from the state, in addition to acquittals, are included as predictors of the dependent variable. After reviewing the literature on retributive and restorative sentencing, also making a distinction between compensation from the offender and compensation from the state, hierarchical regression analysis finds that compensation from the offender is the only sentencing option significantly associated with psychological effects. Abstract published by arrangement with Sage.

Publication Format
Publication Type
Report (Study/Research)
United States of America