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Multidisciplinary Response to Crime Victims with Disabilities: Community-Level Replication Guide

NCJ Number
Date Published
September 2012
10 pages
This guide provides a seven-step model for improving any community's capacity to respond to crime victims with disabilities.
The seven steps within this model include: Step 1 Partnering; Step 2 Assessing the Community's Needs; Step 3 Developing a Strategic Plan; Step 4 Taking Action; Step 5 Taking Measure; Step 6 Evaluating the Project's Impact; and Step 7 Sustaining the Momentum. Every step in the model, which was originally developed by SafePlace of Austin, TX, and replicated by three pilot sites, is designed to improve the effectiveness of each response to crime victims with disabilities. Each step provides connections to people and agencies in any given local community who are also invested in improving services for crime victims with disabilities, and provides suggestions about changes every agency and service provider should make. Information is provided on how to make a plan based on the needs of a particular community, to include information on tracking crimes against community members who have disabilities; changing agency policies and practices that pose barriers to crime victims with disabilities; and providing education/training for persons with disabilities, staff and volunteers, partner agencies, disability service providers, law enforcement, and others.

Corporate Author
Office for Victims of Crime (OVC)

999 N. Capitol St. NE, Washington, DC 20531, United States

Sale Source
NCJRS Photocopy Services

Box 6000, Rockville, MD 20849-6000, United States

Publication Format
Document (Online)
Publication Type
Report (Annual/Periodic)
United States of America