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Evidence-Based Practice Skills Assessment for Criminal Justice Organizations Version 1.0

NCJ Number
Christine Ameen Ed.D.; Jennifer Loeffler-Cobia
Date Published
56 pages
This guide is intended for use by criminal justice organizations to assess the ability of correctional staff to successfully implement evidence-based practices.
An evidence-based organization is defined as one that "consistently demonstrates the ability to achieve outcomes through effective problem solving and decisionmaking." These organizations are able to use evidence to achieve their outcomes and at the same time corroborate the outcomes through measurement and exhaustive communication. To assess an organizations ability to successfully implement EBPs, the evidence-based practice skills assessment (EBPSA) was developed. The EBPSA is a self-report measurement tool for use by correctional organizations to gauge their staff's ability to successfully implement EBPs. This report presents 3 forms of the EBPSA: 1) EBPSA Full Form contains 10 subscales with both a team and individual perspective; 2) EBPSA Team Form contains 10 subscales with a team perspective only; and 3) EBPSA Individual Form contains 9 subscales with an individual perspective only. The 10 subscales included in the EBPSA are: organizational support; strength-based approach; interviewing skills; analytical skills; critical thinking skills; communication skills; ethics; growth; teamwork; and use of positive reinforcement. The three forms should be used to generate only team or organizational results, not individual-level results. Figures, references, and appendixes

Sponsoring Agency
National Institute of Corrections

320 First Street, NW, Washington, DC 20534, United States

Corporate Author
Crime and Justice Institute

355 Boylston Street, Boston, MA 02116, United States

Sale Source
National Institute of Corrections

320 First Street, NW, Washington, DC 20534, United States

NCJRS Photocopy Services

Box 6000, Rockville, MD 20849-6000, United States

Publication Format
Publication Type
Policy/Procedure Handbook/Manual
United States of America