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Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services: Inside the Black Box

NCJ Number
Aggression and Violent Behavior Volume: 14 Issue: 5 Dated: September/October 2009 Pages: 359-373
Rebecca J. Macy; Mary Giattina; Tamara H. Sangster; Natalie Johns Montijo
Date Published
October 2009
15 pages
This study identified and synthesized current recommended practices in sexual assault and domestic violence services gathered from a broad spectrum of literature.
The overall analysis of the literature showed a consensus on core services recommended for domestic violence survivors including 24-hour crisis services with an emphasis on maintaining a telephone hotline, legal advocacy, support groups, individual counseling, and emergency shelter. Similarly, core services recommended for sexual assault survivors included 24-hour crisis services with emphasis on maintaining a telephone hotline, legal and medical advocacy, support groups, and individual counseling. Areas of contention were also found on whether to continuously staff domestic violence shelters, and whether combined agencies could effectively offer both domestic violence and sexual assault services. Based on a review of the findings, implications for domestic violence and sexual assault services and intervention research are discussed. Because the inner workings of the services, the critical service practices, and the crucial components of effective services remain largely unknown, the best practices in sexual assault and domestic violence services cannot be easily replicated and disseminated. This study addresses these critical knowledge gaps by reviewing 43 relevant pieces of domestic violence and sexual assault services literature. Tables and references

Grant Number(s)
Sponsoring Agency
US Dept of Justice

810 Seventh Street, NW, Washington, DC 20531, United States

North Carolina Dept of Crime Control and Public Safety

1201 Front Street, Suite 200, Raleigh, NC 27609, United States

Publication Format
Publication Type
Literature Review
United States of America