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Crossing the Line: A Quantitative Analysis of Inmate Boundary Violators in a Southern Prison System

NCJ Number
American Journal of Criminal Justice Volume: 33 Issue: 1 Dated: Spring 2008 Pages: 69-84
Kelly Cheeseman Dial; Robert M. Worley
Date Published
16 pages
Based on self-report data provided by 367 male inmates in a southern prison system, this study conducted a quantitative analysis of inappropriate relationships ("boundary violations") between female correctional staff and male inmates.
Inmates were distinguished by having had "no relationship" with a female staff member and those inmates who had engaged in any behavior that broke a known boundary ("boundary violators"). the boundary violation that was most prevalent involved having "friendships with female officers" (85 percent). The least commonly reported boundary violation was "making a collect call to a female officer" (3 percent). Seventy percent of inmates reported that female officers discussed personal problems with them. Clearly, male inmates are reporting their participation in inappropriate relationships with female staff members. Inmates who had served more than 6 years in prison were significantly more likely to have engaged in boundary violations. Conversely, inmates who had served 5 years or less were significantly less likely to have engaged in boundary violations. Inmates in minimum custody were significantly more likely to have been involved in boundary violations. Boundary violators were significantly more likely to feel that female correctional officers were afraid of inmates and that female staff members increased sexual tension that contributed to their boundary violations. Boundary violators were also significantly more likely to perceive that female officers flirted with them and sought attention compared with those inmates who were not boundary violators. Further, boundary violators were significantly more likely to engage in behaviors that were manipulative or intimidating. There is apparently very little deterrent effect on boundary violations under current prison policy. Large correctional systems should re-examine their policies toward boundary violations in order to determine whether such violations are being detected and appropriately addressed. 6 tables and 21 references.

Publication Format
Publication Type
Report (Study/Research)
United States of America