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Tasers: A Brief Overview of the Research Literature

NCJ Number
Lauren Hancock; Frances Gant
Date Published
November 2008
12 pages
This study examined Australian and international research regarding the use of Tasers.
The literature review indicated that Tasers provide police officers with another use of force option for dealing with combative and physically aggressive people. Its popularity with law enforcement agencies is increasing with a growing number of agencies adopting the technology in Australia and overseas. This is not surprising given the operational benefits afforded to police, which include high deterrent value, immediate incapacitation, the ability to deploy from a safe distance, and limited or no aftercare in most situations. However, the safety of Tasers has been questioned in the wake of reports of deaths following Taser use. While research has not identified a direct causal relationship between the application of a Taser resulting in the death of a person, it does indicate that Tasers may pose a risk of serious injury or death for certain subjects and in certain circumstances, such as where subjects are drug affected or have underlying health problems like heart disease or mental illness, or where discharges are excessive. The key for policymakers is to balance the protection and safety of officers and offenders with community concerns about the possible risks associated with this device and the importance of appropriate policies and practices to guide police in using Tasers. References and list of acronyms

Sale Source
Queensland Crime and Misconduct Cmssn

GPO Box 3123, Level 3, Terrica Place, 140 Creek Street, Brisbane Qld 4001 Australia, Australia

Publication Format
Publication Type
Report (Study/Research)
Crime and Misconduct Commission Research & Issues Paper, No. 8, November 2008