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Working with the Third Sector to Reduce Re-offending: Securing Effective Partnerships 2008-2011

NCJ Number
Date Published
60 pages
This study examined the role of prisons, community and the third sector (non-governmental organizations) in preventing recidivism.
This study describes a Ministry of Justice strategy to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of offender management services, and maximize the contribution made by the third sector to reduce reoffending, protect the public, and achieve safer communities. The goals of the strategy is to provide guidelines to the Ministry of Justice and the National Offender Management Service (NOMS) to meet their commitments and actions, improve their engagement with the third sector, and reduce barriers to the involvement of a range of third sector organizations in supporting and delivering work with victims, offenders in custody, and the community. It provides direction of travel and sets out clear commitment over the next 3 years for the Government and NOMS to work with partners in an effort to strengthen the third sector involvement in reducing reoffending. The third sector has a number of roles: campaigning; building social cohesion; providing voice for service users and for Black and minority ethnic, faith-based, and other diverse communities; and delivering services and influencing the way in which services are designed, delivered, and held to account. In carrying out these roles, the sector offers specific values and strengths in skills, knowledge, and expertise. This document describes work already underway and sets out further commitments and a 3 year program of action to underpin and help achieve these principles and expectations. Tables and a summary of key actions

Corporate Author
Great Britain Ministry of Justice

Selborne House, 102 Petty France, London SW1H 9AJ, United Kingdom

Sale Source
Great Britain Ministry of Justice

Selborne House, 102 Petty France, London SW1H 9AJ, United Kingdom

Publication Format
Publication Type
Program/Project Description
United Kingdom