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Adolescents in Transition: The Role of Workplace Alcohol and Other Drug Policies as a Prevention Strategy

NCJ Number
Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy Volume: 13 Issue: 4 Dated: August 2006 Pages: 353-365
Ken Pidd; Robert Boeckmann; Mary Morris
Date Published
August 2006
13 pages
This study examined the alcohol and other drug (AOD) consumption patterns of Australian adolescents undergoing occupational transition and identified whether any work-related AOD use was evident in this population.
More than 40 percent of work apprentices surveyed reported cannabis and alcohol consumption patterns placing these adolescents at risk of potential harm. Workplace alcohol availability and the existence of workplace alcohol and other drug (AOD) policies were significantly associated with apprentices’ consumption patterns. Workplaces where alcohol was available and where there were no AOD policies reported more alcohol use. Workplaces that maintained a drug policy reported lower levels of AOD use among apprentices. Research examining the relationship between the workplace environment and the AOD use of employees has indicated that workplace stressors and the workplace culture can influence patterns of consumption. However, most of this research on the prevalence of AOD use and the workplace environment has focused on the working population in general and on the prevalence of AOD use among adolescent workers. The study conducted a cross-sectional survey of 300 first-year apprentices, aged 15-22 years employed in South Australian workplaces. Tables, references

Grant Number(s)
Sponsoring Agency
National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia (NHMRC)

GPO Box 1421, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia

Publication Format
Publication Type
Research (Applied/Empirical)
United Kingdom