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Confronting Recidivism: Inmate Reentry and the Second Chance Act of 2005

NCJ Number
Corrections Today Volume: 67 Issue: 5 Dated: August 2005 Pages: 54-57
Reginald A. Wilkinson; Edward E. Rhine
Date Published
August 2005
4 pages
This article--which is an edited version of written testimony presented by one of the authors to the U.S. House Committee on Government Reform on February 2, 2005--argues for the passage of the Second Chance Act of 2005, which encourages State and local governments to craft solutions to address the needs of released inmates returning to their communities.
The bill, if adopted, will have a substantial impact on reducing offender recidivism, as it provides tools to address substance abuse, mental health needs, and other problems associated with recidivism. Through demonstration grants and other means, States are encouraged to design a seamless system of reentry for offenders that provides support and accountability. Further, the bill views reentry from a holistic perspective, as it targets the strengthening of offenders' families and improvement in communities' quality of life. Overall, it targets those barriers that impede the successful adjustment of offenders in the community following confinement. Reentry planning draws on a variety of risk and needs assessment tools for prioritizing programming and service delivery as offenders move through the system. The Second Chance Act recognizes the importance of such assessments in reducing the risk of offender recidivism. In addition, the bill provides grants to community organizations and groups committed to providing transitional services and mentoring programs for released offenders.

Publication Format
Publication Type
Legislation/Policy Analysis
United States of America