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Juveniles Waived to Criminal Courts in Ohio 1995-1997: Adjudication and Disposition

NCJ Number
Senarath Abeyratne Ph.D.; Benita Sizemore M.A.
Date Published
August 1999
46 pages
This report provides data and information on the characteristics and processing of Ohio youth transferred to criminal courts from calendar years 1995 to 1997.
Data indicate that from 1995 to 1997, 1,547 filings of bindover occurred in Ohio. The total number of cases included in the sample for this study, after eliminating multiple filings, was 1,330. Comparatively, the juveniles transferred to criminal court were a tiny fraction of the total juvenile court adjudications of each year. In addition to the number of juveniles transferred to criminal courts between 1995 and 1997, this report provides demographic profiles of waived juveniles and the waived juveniles convicted in criminal court. Data are also provided on the adjudicated offense, the adjudicated felony level, and the adjudicated offense type. The offense history of waived juveniles is also included, along with county of adjudication, disposition, convicted offense, convicted felony level, and convicted offense type. Sentences received are cited, and data are presented on plea bargains or indictments for additional/different offenses and felony levels. The youths waived to criminal court in Ohio were predominantly minorities and male. Three-fourths of adjudicated offenses belonged to Part One Crimes under Uniform Crime Reporting classification; more than one-half of the youths waived committed violent crimes. Ninety-five percent of the waived youths were convicted in the criminal court. Most (89.6 percent) were sentenced to imprisonment. 45 tables

Corporate Author
Ohio Dept of Youth Services

51 North High Street, Suite 601, Columbus, OH 43215, United States

Sale Source
Ohio Dept of Youth Services

51 North High Street, Suite 601, Columbus, OH 43215, United States

Publication Format
Publication Type
Report (Study/Research)
United States of America