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Promising Practices: Progress Toward the Goals 1998

NCJ Number
Emily Wurtz
Date Published
48 pages
This booklet describes successful State and local initiatives in school improvement efforts.
The booklet examines eight program goals, indicators of progress toward achievement of those goals, and States with noteworthy accomplishments in the area: (1) Ready to Learn; Immunization of Two-Year-Olds; Connecticut, Maine, and Missouri; (2) School Completion; High School Completion Rate; Maryland, Nebraska, and Tennessee; (3) Student Achievement; AP Exams; Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Utah; (4) Teacher Education; Certificates and Degrees in Teaching Assignment; Oklahoma and Minnesota; (5) Mathematics and Science; Math Achievement on National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP); Connecticut, Texas, and Wisconsin; (6) Adult Literacy; Post-Secondary Enrollment; Georgia, Florida, and Mississippi; (7) Safe Schools; Students Carrying a Weapon; North Carolina and Wisconsin; (8) Parental Participation; Principals' Report of Parental Involvement; Colorado, Indians, and California. The booklet also compares similarities of success in progress across the goals in North Carolina and Texas. The booklet includes narrative discussion of program goals and objectives, tabular statistical data, and lessons learned. Notes, resources, index

Sale Source
National Education Goals Panel

1850 M Street, NW, Suite 270, Washington, DC 20036, United States

Publication Format
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Program/Project Description
United States of America