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Parole, Parole Programs, and Community Corrections (From Corrections in the United States: A Contemporary Perspective, Third Edition, P 410-483, 2001, Dean J. Champion -- See NCJ-185013)

NCJ Number
Dean J. Champion
Date Published
74 pages
In addition to the history, goals, and functions of parole, this chapter addresses parolee characteristics, parole revocation, parole effectiveness, the rights of probationers and parolees, types of community corrections programs, and selected issues in community corrections.
The first part of the chapter focuses on parole and how it originated in the United States. In addition, the underlying philosophy of parole is examined, together with some of the objectives it seeks to achieve. Parole boards and their functions are described. Various program infractions may result in parole revocation, in which offenders may lose their freedom in the community and be returned to prison. The process of parole revocation is examined in this chapter. The chapter also examines community corrections acts and describes the history and philosophy of community programs established by them. The functions and goals of community corrections are described as well. Key elements of community corrections are listed, along with a statement of the rationale for the creation of such programs. Two types of corrections programs are home confinement and electronic monitoring. The history, goals, and functions of these programs are described. Electronic monitoring is profiled, together with a description of its functions and goals. Various types of electronic monitoring systems are explained. Furlough programs and work/study release programs are described as well, along with halfway houses. Other sanctions, such as day fines, community service, restitution, and victim compensation are defined and explained as conditional provisions often associated with postrelease community programs. 4 tables, key terms, review questions, and 7 suggested readings

Sale Source
Prentice Hall (Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc)

240 Rrisch Court, Paramus, NJ 07652-5240, United States

Publication Format
Book (Hardbound)
Publication Type
Issue Overview
United States of America