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Victimization of the Elderly (From National Victim Assistance Academy , P 14.1 - 14.37, 2000, Anne Seymour, Morna Murray, eds. et al., -- See NCJ 184052)

NCJ Number
Anne Seymour; Melissa Hook
Date Published
37 pages
This chapter summarizes the different types of elder abuse, neglect, exploitation, and victimization, as well as community resources, supportive services and collaborative efforts that can assist elderly victims and their families.
Specific crimes against the elderly include sexual assault, domestic violence, physical assault, homicide, burglary and fraud. The National Elder Abuse Incidence Study estimated that, during 1996, at least 500,000 older persons in domestic settings were abused and/or neglected, or experienced self-neglect and that for every reported incident approximately five went unreported. The chapter presents definitions of domestic elder abuse, exploitation and neglect, including culturally manifested abuse. In addition, it discusses types of community resources and supportive services for elderly victims and their families; how professionals and agencies can collaborate to prevent and intervene in cases involving abuse, neglect, exploitation or other crimes against the elderly; crime-specific victimization of the elderly and effective responses from victim service providers; effective communication techniques for dealing with elderly victims; and promising practices in preventing and responding to crimes against the elderly. References

Sponsoring Agency
Office for Victims of Crime (OVC)

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NCJRS Photocopy Services

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Publication Series
OVC Others
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United States of America