This story follows a young girl named Zoe who was a victim of sex trafficking and is preparing to present in court as a defendant; readers follow along as Zoe shares her story with a lawyer and social worker after having been arrested, learns that someone she cared about was doing something illegal, and engages with a survivor-led support group to discuss her feelings about the situation.
In Zoe’s Story, readers learn some techniques for helping cope with strong feelings relating to human trafficking experiences. Children and youth who have been victims of sex trafficking can have a template for what to expect as they encounter the criminal justice system and prepare to provide witness testimony in court. Readers also see how Zoe participates in a survivor-led support group that serves as a safe space to discuss her feelings about the case and terms like “victim” and “survivor.” This resource also provides readers with access to support materials for child victims and witness support, focusing on criminal court and child welfare systems, which are available in a variety of languages.