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Youth Violence - Programs and Prospects

NCJ Number
S J Apter, A P Goldstein
Date Published
308 pages
This book offers a variety of perspectives on the causes, treatment and prevention of juvenile delinquency and youth violence.
Literature reviews provide analyses of the efficacy of special education, social learning and behavior modification, and diversion programs for disturbed and/or violent youth, including juvenile sexual offenders. Research in animals and in human adults and juveniles is reviewed that suggests a neurophysiological basis for violent and antisocial behaviors. In addition, the characteristics common to residential treatment programs for violent youth are illustrated and discussed, as is a psychological skills training program for aggressive adolescents. Also examined are relationships between youth crime and violence and the ecosystem, social competence, and media violence. The literature on school violence and vandalism is reviewed within a matrix of etiological factors and intervention orientations and approaches. Managerial issues in juvenile delinquency approaches also are considered. Finally, issues related to students' rights, school crime, and the prevention of school misbehaviors are discussed from legal and cross-cultural perspectives. Chapter references, author and subject indexes.