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Youth Marijuana Admissions by Race and Ethnicity

NCJ Number
Date Published
August 2002
3 pages
This report summarizes the percentage of youth admissions to drug treatment facilities for marijuana abuse by race and ethnicity.
This report provides statistical information about the percentage of youth admissions to drug treatment programs for marijuana use. The information is broken down by race and ethnicity and represents those between the ages of 12 and 21 who sought treatment in 1999. The data comes from the Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) and represents admissions to treatment facilities, rather than individuals since a person may be admitted for treatment more than once. The report shows that marijuana was the primary substance of abuse for 42 percent of white admissions, 66 percent of Black admissions, 48 percent of Hispanic admissions, and 49 percent of Asian and Pacific Islander admissions. 6 Figures