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Youth in Care: New York State Office of Children and Family Services Division of Rehabilitative Service 1997 Annual Report

NCJ Number
Lynne Lyons; Ellen MacGregor
Date Published
66 pages
This report provides a statistical overview of youth in the custody of the New York State Division of Rehabilitative Services of the Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) during 1997.
It includes data that relate to residential and nonresidential services, foster care, and OCFS-placed youth served in voluntary agencies. Youths in custody at the end of 1996, plus admissions during 1997 account for 5,805 youths being served by the OCFS sometime during 1997. During 1997 there were 2,262 admissions. This is a 7-percent decrease over the previous year and represents the lowest number of admissions since 1988. Overall, the number of admissions has decreased 17 percent over the last 2 years from a high of 2,740 in 1995. For the first time, persons in need of supervision did not enter custody at all in 1997. This is the result of legislation that became effective in July 1996 that no longer allows persons in need of supervision to enter the custody of the OCFS. Despite the decrease in overall admissions, the 2,015 juvenile delinquents admitted in 1997 was the second highest number over the past 10 years. Youth placed in voluntary agencies were 32 percent of 1997 admissions, 3-percent lower than the previous year. For the fifth consecutive year, the number of youths placed for crimes against persons exceeded the number placed for crimes against property. Crimes against persons accounted for 37 percent of 1997 custody entries. 11 figures and 12 tables