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Youth Access to Tobacco: Future Promise After Decades of Neglect

NCJ Number
Future Choices Volume: 3 Issue: 1 Dated: (Summer 1991) Pages: 37-44
S F Gambescia; R D Corcoran
Date Published
8 pages
A study by the American Cancer Society indicated that a majority of adults, including smokers, favor increased government involvement in regulating and controlling youth access to tobacco products.
Curtailing youth access could break the epidemiological model of host, agent, and environment that describes how many young people begin smoking. Host factors include the individual's predisposition to smoking, environmental factors include the smoking status of family and peers and the social acceptance of smoking; the agent is the availability of cigarettes. A few basic strategies to prevent availability of tobacco include regulating and monitoring points of purchase, banning the free distribution of tobacco products, and making the product less attractive through higher prices and more explicit package warnings. 3 tables


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