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Young Offenders Act - Highlights

NCJ Number
Date Published
50 pages
Questions and answers are posed to explain the provisions of Canada's new Young Offenders Act.
The Young Offenders Act takes an approach that is new in Canadian law. On the one hand, it provides the same safeguards and guarantees of legal rights as are already provided adults; while on the other hand, it establishes a system of youth courts, procedures, and dispositions which are separate from adult criminal processing. Additionally, the act has provisions that show a concern for the community's safety and allow parents' involvement in proceedings. The act covers only those youths charged with offenses against the Criminal Code and other Federal statutes and regulations; it does not apply to those charged with offenses against provincial laws or municipal bylaws. The age of criminal responsibility is raised from 7 to 12 years. The act emphasizes diversion for minor offenses, and an innovative and thorough review procedure is specified to ensure that each disposition is monitored continuously. The act provides that when young offenders have completed their sentences and have committed no further offenses for a qualifying period, the record of the offenses will be destroyed. Generally, the dispositions specified are designed to meet the special needs of youth, to protect society, and to consider victims' rights. Finally, youth court hearings have been opened to the public under the new act. A French language verision of the report is included.