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Young Drug Users: Early Intervention

NCJ Number
Drugs: Education Volume: evention and Policy Issue: Dated: Pages: 3 (November 1998)-292
E Gilvarry
Date Published
12 pages
With the increase in drug use by young people, special high- risk populations merit particular consideration; those with drug use problems commonly have comorbid psychiatric problems, present with complex needs that require more intensive interventions.
Barriers to treatment effectiveness may result from inappropriate and inaccessible services and poor coordination between adult and child services, and a thorough assessment is important for treatment planning. Various treatment settings and the effectiveness of different treatment modalities are reviewed. Goals of family treatment approaches and specific barriers to treatment are identified. The relative lack of well-controlled empirical studies focusing on treatment approaches specifically for young people with drug and alcohol abuse and comorbid psychosocial problems is discussed. The author concludes that engaging and retaining high-risk young people in treatment requires collaboration between agencies and that new treatment approaches and different service delivery models need to be researched and evaluated. 44 references and 7 tables