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You are Not Alone Working the Puzzle of Sexual Assault (Video)

NCJ Number
Date Published
0 pages
Presented in a format for the hearing impaired, this video instructs women in the steps to take, the victims services available, and the legal processes should they become a victim of sexual assault.
"Sexual assault" is first defined as any sexual activity carried out against a person's will, whether or not that person is a stranger, an acquaintance, or even a family member. Victims are advised to first report the assault to the police and to refrain from washing or making any changes in one's appearance or the crime scene prior to police arriving at the scene. A physical exam should then be conducted at a medical center, which should have an interpreter for hearing impaired patients. Medical attendants should be informed about the assault, so they may proceed in a manner designed not only to treat any physical injuries but also to collect and preserve any evidence of the attack. It is important to secure the services of an advocate, who may be contacted either through a police agency or a local agency for the deaf and hard of hearing. The advocate can ensure that the victim knows what services are available for dealing with the emotional and legal aftermath of the sexual assault. Because of the psychological impact of the assault, it is essential that the victim receive counseling that can help address and eventually resolve the many debilitating emotions caused by the assault. The video also takes the sexual assault victim through the various legal processes that will occur should the offender be arrested and tried. Attention is given to the victim's rights of participation in the case processing.