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Year in Review 1993: A Landmark Year for Safehouse

NCJ Number
Boulder County Safehouse Dated: (Winter 1994) Pages: 1-3
B Paradiso
Date Published
8 pages
Accomplishments of the Safehouse for 1993 are described.
This issue of the quarterly newsletter includes a summary of revenue and expenditures, an annual report, and a listing of the Safehouse board of directors and staff. Included in the description of accomplishments are a reorganization of volunteer training, an expansion of computer resources, the creation of new outreach groups, increased accessibility to services and community awareness of issues related to domestic violence including the creation of a support group for adolescent girls in the migrant school and the translation of agency materials into Spanish, construction of a new Safehouse Outreach Services Center, and successful fundraising efforts. Also during 1993, the agency's personnel policies were updated, an in- depth evaluation of victim advocacy services was completed, a program manual was compiled, and an educational conference for Domestic Violence Awareness Month was organized. A brief article concerning children who experience domestic violence emphasizes the need for additional foster care homes.


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