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World Peace Through Law Conference - Washington Seventh World Law Conference - Proceedings, Work Sessions, Report - Washington, DC, October 14, 1975

NCJ Number
Date Published
351 pages
Tape transcripts report proceedings dealing with implementation of United Nations minimum rules for prisoner treatment, women's rights, international terrorism, and the international use of computerized legal information systems.
Proceedings dealing with the implementation of the United Nations minimum rules for prisoner treatment point up the progress and the difficulties various countries have experienced in implementing the rules, and other proceedings report on advances and obstructions in women's rights in the various countries represented by the speakers. Proceedings on international terrorism focused on the definition of terrorism, particulary in relation to the activity of states and the activities of revolutionary groups challenging states and their policies. Progress and hindrances in the the establishment and implementation of international agreements to counter terrorism are considered. Other proceedings deal with the transport of personalized legal data across international boundaries and the problem of computerized information retrieval. While the transcripts from the tapes of the proceedings are divided by topics, there are no subdivisions within the broad topics, and there is no editing, commentary, or summary.