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Working Together for Peace and Justice: Bureau of Justice Assistance Fiscal Year 1998 Annual Report to Congress

NCJ Number
Date Published
June 1999
62 pages
This annual report describes the funding and technical assistance provided to State and local criminal justice systems by the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) in fiscal year 1998.
In fiscal year 1998, the BJA administered $1.7 billion for State and local agencies to support a range of proven and promising programs in crime prevention, community justice, law enforcement, adjudication, supervision services, technology, and evaluation. In reviewing BJA expenditures, the first part of the annual report discusses the mission and goals of the BJA and types of funding. The second part overviews fiscal year 1998 activities, while the third part identifies support to State and local criminal justice systems. Appendixes contain BJA legislative purpose area descriptions, grant awards to States and U.S. Territories, and publications. 6 tables