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Working With Perpetrators of Domestic Violence to Protect Women and Children: A Partnership Between Cheshire Probation Service and the NSPCC

NCJ Number
Child Abuse Review Volume: 8 Issue: 1 Dated: Jan-Feb 1999 Pages: 46-54
D R Skyner; J Waters
Date Published
9 pages
This article describes a program that addresses men's violence towards women.
While services have historically been established for women survivors of domestic violence, it is only recently that programs designed to address men's violence toward women have been established, primarily within the criminal justice sector. One such program is a partnership between Cheshire Probation Service and the NSPCC. It identifies a number of factors considered essential to its successful implementation, including the importance of working in partnership, a sound and shared theoretical basis, the provision of a parallel support package for women and children and ongoing program evaluation. The program is designed to change the perpetrator's behavior and attitudes, and offenders who are psychopathic, evidence morbid jealousies or have mental health problems are not suitable for the program. The success of the pilot program has resulted in partnership funding for an additional 3 years and it is being incorporated into a core aspect of service delivery. References