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Work Release Center: Loudoun County Sheriff's Office

NCJ Number
American Jails Volume: 4 Issue: 5 Dated: (January/February 1991) Pages: 122-124
J L Hickman
Date Published
3 pages
This article describes the implementation of a work release project in Leesburg, VA. in 1988.
As an alternative to standard modular construction, outdated high seas shipping containers were used for setting up transportable housing units. The idea was adapted from a Florida company which employed this idea to house transient employees. The Department of Corrections reimbursed Loudoun County 50 percent of the total construction cost. Renovation of eight shipping containers on a concrete slab with reinforcements provided the facility with six housing units accommodating four persons each, one for a kitchen and pantry, and one for the supervisor's office. Completion of the facility took 15 days. The best feature is that the facility can be enlarged by the addition of containers in any direction. Administering of the facility covers a plan for food and medical care services from ASDC and staff supervision for job checks. Since community involvement is an important part of the program, facility use needs to meet the minimum security requirements together with judiciary sentencing needs.