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Work Programme in Prisons of Pakistan (From UNAFEI (United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders) Report for 1978 and Resource Material, P 81-84, 1979 See NCJ-70911)

NCJ Number
M H A Chaudhry
Date Published
4 pages
Work programs in Pakistan's prisons are described, with attention to the cottage industries and the mechanized industries.
During the British colonial rule, prison work was viewed as a punitive experience for inmates, such that preparation for gainful work after discharge did not occur. Following independence in 1947, the country established more humane and useful prison work programs. Since agriculture is the backbone of Pakistan, the Government has introduced the teaching of improved scientific and mechanical agriculture in every prison. Each prison has been provided with sufficient land to teach the use of modern agricultural implements, fertilizers and insecticides, and seeds. Cottage industry work programs include the carpet industry, the sporting goods industry, the carpentry and blacksmith industries, and the ceramic industry. To aid vocational training in mechanized and electronic industries, power looms have been installed in the prisons for manufacturing cloth, bed sheets, towels, and blankets. Machinery has also been installed to produce hosiery and other garments, boots, and utensils. A television assembly plant has also been established in one of the prisons. The inmates have not only been trained in television assembly work but have also been tutored in the use of sophisticated tuning and testing equipment. No references are included.