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Worcester Crime Impact Program - An Evaluation Report

NCJ Number
J B Green; J C Williamson; V K Dunlap; J W Simon; J M Tien; R C Larson
Date Published
210 pages
The Worcester Crime Impact Program (Massachusetts) has successfully met its main goal of reducing robbery and burglary on a citywide basis and particularly in the impact target area. This was mainly due to increased manpower, especially civilian aides, and flexibility and organization provided by decentralization and specialization.
Increased use of and responsibility given to civilian aides has been effective and has been implemented smoothly. One key issue remaining to be solved is the career and growth potential of civilians in the Worcester Police Department. Full integration and isolated instances of sex discrimination also need to be resolved. Decentralization of the department has benefited those within the Impact Program, but has caused resentment from and lack of coordination with those outside the program. Split force patrol specialization (robbery strike force, burglary task force, and crime prevention unit) has been effective and smoothly implemented, benefiting those within the program and causing resentment and lack of coordination with those outside the program. Problem issues and recommendations are discussed. Footnotes and study data in tables, graphs, and maps are provided.