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Women's Crime and Feminist Critiques - A Review of the Literature

NCJ Number
Canadian Criminology Forum Volume: 5 Issue: 1 Dated: (Fall 1982) Pages: 40-53
S Gavigan
Date Published
14 pages
This literature review covers selected documents related to women and criminality, with emphasis on its relevance to providing a better understanding of the oppression of women in contemporary capitalist society and of the contribution of the government and the law to this oppression.
The ways in which the disparity in the official rates of recorded criminal activity of men and women has been addressed are considered. Also discussed is how the criminological literature has treated the question of women's struggle for equality, with emphasis on the recent work which has suggested a causal link between the women's liberation movement and the apparent increase in female criminality. The literature which refutes this hypothesis is also discussed. Feminist critiques of criminology are also considered, as is the view that issues of gender must be accompanied by attention to the more specific factors of class, race, and social position. A discussion of literature relating to the social control of women notes the need to look beyond the criminal law to consider the oppression of women both inside and outside the criminal justice system. Notes and a list of 34 references are provided.