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Women Survivors Confronting Their Abusers: Issues, Decisions, and Outcomes

NCJ Number
Journal of Child Sexual Abuse Volume: 3 Issue: 1 Dated: (1994) Pages: 7-35
C Cameron
Date Published
29 pages
This study describes confrontations between 72 women adult survivors of child sexual abuse and their abusers, which took place at three points in time during their healing process.
The sample included 21 women who had always remembered their abuse, 25 who had until recently totally forgotten that they had been sexually abused as children, and 14 who had repressed certain aspects of their abuse. The first questionnaire completed by the women asked them to describe their abuse, its impact during the years before they sought help as adults, the triggering of old memories, and the beginnings of therapeutic healing. Two subsequent surveys attempted to assess the women's perceptions of their therapeutic progress and their evaluations of their support systems. Each questionnaire also asked the women their feelings vis-a-vis confronting their abusers. While confrontation can put power in survivors' hands, provide closure for unfinished relationships, and clarify relationships, many survivors face personal or objective factors discouraging confrontation. This article discusses some clinical issues related to the decision whether, when, and how to confront one's abuser. 1 note and 10 references