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Women Offenders Planning Work Session: Proceedings of a Statewide Meeting to Develop Strategies to Meet the Needs of Women Offenders in Oregon, Salem, Oregon, July 8-9, 1992

NCJ Number
Date Published
44 pages
A July 1992 meeting brought together approximately 60 Oregonians actively involved with Oregon's female offender population to rank the needs of female offenders and determine the next actions to be taken.
During the two days of discussion, the participants agreed that assessment needs to be more comprehensive and thorough, using a gender-specific instrument. In addition, an appropriate continuum of treatment and services must be available, with sanctions separate from services. Moreover, agency coordination is critically needed. Furthermore, family and child-related services are important to success. Finally, staff support, training, and compensation are important to program effectiveness. Appended agenda, list of participants, and details regarding each day's meeting