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Women in the National Police Service

NCJ Number
Crime and Justice International Volume: 14 Issue: 22 Dated: November 1998 Pages: 11-33
Michelle Maniloff
Date Published
3 pages
Following a review of the history of women in France's Police Nationale (national police), this article discusses the characteristics of French policewomen and their integration with male officers.
In 1987 women represented 4.02 percent of French officers in the Police Nationale. The female rate is the highest in the detective officer and constable ranks (6.16 percent and 6.8 percent) than in the superintendent rank (5.64 percent) and in the senior police officer rank (1.35 percent). It is logical that the highest rates can be found in the ranks that were first opened to women. In 1997, 8 percent of police officers were women. The integration of women is most difficult in the ranks of constable and senior police officers (who mainly work on the streets) than in the other ranks, which are managerial jobs. A study has shown that women in the police are often more motivated and better academically qualified than their male colleagues. Generally, women are accepted as police officers by their male colleagues and the public, but some difficulties remain. Policewomen report that they have no difficulties in relating to male officers, but they recognize that they must prove themselves on the job in order to be accepted as an effective member of the profession. Male officers continue to believe that women officers do not have the physical strength to perform certain police functions. Women officers, on the other hand, report that police tasks that require strength are rare and that most problems can be solved in ways other than by using physical strength.