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Women Helping Offenders, Incorporated - 1981 Legislative Report

NCJ Number
Date Published
20 pages
The report evaluates the Woman Helping Offenders (WHO) program in Minneapolis during 1979-80 in terms of clients served and costs. WHO is intended to serve nontraditional offenders (i.e., those with multiple or complex social needs, negative attitudes, etc.)
WHO provides emergency services, such as food and shelter referrals, and many direct services, such as job development, counseling, and parole planning. Most clients were black, male, and ex-offenders on probation or parole. WHO serves a substantial number of minority clients (62.1 percent), more than most nonresidential correctional programs in the State. Its emphasis on job development and employment services is especially important during this time of high employment. The average cost of the program per client was $317.79. Data tables are included. (Author summary modified)