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Wisconsin's Mutual Agreement Program (From National Workshop on Corrections and Parole Administration, Second - Proceedings, P 5-12, 1974 - See NCJ-85059)

NCJ Number
S B Powers
Date Published
8 pages
The Mutual Program (MAP), which involves an inmate in formulating his/her rehabilitation goals and the timetable for achieving them, has improved inmate motivation for rehabilitation in Wisconsin.
Once the goal and timetable, along with the intermediate steps are agreed upon and the contract is written, the inmates usually feels challenged to complete the contract. During the 18-month pilot program, a period acknowledged to be too short for proper evaluation but necessary because of limited funding, contracts were negotiated and signed by 87 offenders, all well along into their sentences. Sixty-eight successfully completed their programs and were released on the day agreed to in the contract. Although it was impossible for the staff to determine MAP's effectiveness through measurable objectives, everyone involved believed the project to be worthwhile and worthy of extension systemwide. An application for funds has been made to the Wisconsin Council on Criminal Justice, and the hope is to begin writing contracts for all adults entering the State's correctional system beginning in April 1974. Concomitantly, a data reporting system is being developed to provide information for program evaluation and management decisions. The program gives particular attention to helping clients find employment in the community prior to release. This includes provision for client job interviews in the community before release.