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Will There Be a Need for a Marketing Strategy for Crime Prevention Programs in California Law Enforcement by the Year 2000?

NCJ Number
R Sill
Date Published
80 pages
The need for and extent of marketing applications in the delivery of crime prevention programming by mid-sized California law enforcement agencies by the year 2000 was examined.
Successful crime prevention programs and marketing applications are identified and policies and strategic and transition management plans are proposed. Several significant critical trends and events which will have an impact on marketing in the year 2000 were identified by the futures process of expert panel review. These include: the level of citizen participation in crime prevention programs, the level of cooperation and interaction between police agencies and the public, the extent of news media influence in the reporting of crime, and the enactment of a State crime prevention code. A strategy for implementing the policies and the marketing concept is outlined in a 4-step negotiation plan: a justification/study report, endorsement search of specific professional organizations, the creation of a pilot project, and introduction of the marketing program to the public. Successful transition to the crime prevention marketing concept calls for the cooperative efforts of representatives from all areas that will be affected by the change. 8 appendixes and 26 references