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Why and How Sheriffs Must Lead Corrections Into the 21st Century

NCJ Number
Sheriff Volume: 51 Issue: 4 Dated: July-August 1999 Pages: 30-36
Richard G. Kiekbusch
Date Published
August 1999
5 pages
The author suggests that correctional officials need to articulate how correctional institutions and agencies can be optimally developed and utilized into the 21st century and that local sheriffs are in a unique position to exercise leadership.
Sheriffs are elected correctional officials who have responsibility in most U.S. counties for administering jail facilities. They are directly accountable to the voters and have a "bully pulpit" from which to speak and exercise influence. Four key suggestions are offered regarding correctional leadership and the essential role of sheriffs in the exercise of such leadership: (1) sheriffs should acknowledge that they are correctional officials; (2) sheriffs should ensure that their jail facilities and properly administered; (3) sheriffs should shape community values; and (4) sheriffs should develop relationships with local colleges and universities. 1 photograph


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