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Who to Be?: Generations X and Y in Civil Society Online

NCJ Number
Youth Studies Australia Volume: 29 Issue: 2 Dated: June 2010 Pages: 25-32
Hilary Yerbury
Date Published
June 2010
8 pages
This study examined the creation and understanding of identity in a sample of young Australians from generations X and Y.
An ethnographic study of members of generations X and Y which explored participants' perspectives on the creation and understanding of identity, found that young people have a strong sense of self, and value authenticity in themselves and others while recognizing that it is possible to create multiple identities. Information and communication technologies were seen to both support and threaten their sense of self. Participants approached the question of 'who to be' in many ways, each of which revealed tensions between the freedom to create one's own identity and the desire for authenticity, and between the need for a sense of security and recognition of the possibility of experimenting with something challenging or different. References (Published Abstract)


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