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White-Collar Crime in the Criminal Justice Curriculum

NCJ Number
Journal of Criminal Justice Education Volume: 2 Issue: 1 Dated: (Spring 1991) Pages: 95-121
R A Wright; D O Friedrichs
Date Published
27 pages
Recognition of the significance of white collar crime has grown substantially in recent years, but this growth has not been reflected adequately in the field of criminal justice nor in the criminal justice curriculum.
The coverage of white collar crime topics in both textbooks and courses was examined to provide empirical support for the claim that white collar crime has not received sufficient attention. Criminology and criminal justice textbooks published from 1956 to 1965 and from 1981 to 1990 were evaluated. The selection of these textbooks made it possible to consider changes over time in the coverage of white collar crime by introductory textbooks. Data indicated that white collar crime coverage increased dramatically in criminology textbooks but was deficient in criminal justice textbooks. There are a number of good reasons why white collar crime merits substantial attention in the criminal justice curriculum. One of the most important reasons is that the costs of white collar crime are enormous. In addition, white collar crime appears to be a growing problem, and the whole realm of white collar crime has challenged traditional ways of thinking about crime, criminality, and appropriate responses. For criminal justice students, white collar crime raises profound questions about the limits of law and the effectiveness of different responses to crime. A much fuller integration of white collar crime into the criminal justice curriculum is warranted. Criminology and criminal justice textbooks are listed in an appendix. 111 references and 5 tables (Author abstract modified)


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